Sunday, December 25, 2011

The value(s) of life

Our lives are so busy we are all guilty of losing track / forgetting some of the most important yet simple values in life. Christmas is a great opportunity to cherish and be grateful for what you have and what you value in your life… and to think of those less fortunate.  It is perhaps also a good time to sift through things that no longer have the same value or meaning to you, to ask for forgiveness and to bless those you need to forgive.

Consider carefully what matters to you. What qualities do you value over others. Make a commitment to stay honest and true to both yourself and others.

Use the gifts you have been given; if you have a beautiful and natural smile, use it - but always with sincerity. Express yourself and your opinions – without being rude. Give to others – but don’t take from others to do so. Ask for help and assistance – but repay the debt. Accept gratefully from others - but never steal. Love and be loved. Make others laugh - but don't laugh at them. Be loyal and respectful to friends, family and strangers - and forgive others if they make a mistake. Be content with your lot - and enjoy giving to others when their need is greater than yours. Contribute to others so your presence in their lives is a blessing to them.

Christmas is often such a commercial affair now ... but it needn't be.  The best gifts don't cost money : love, wisdom, caring, a helping hand ... the list will be as long as you make it.

Be strong and grow beautiful in truth. Love those that matter most to you ... as well as those that don't!

Happy Reflections !

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