Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rain and 2012 !

Yes, I am talking about that moisture that falls from clouds. Or am I?

Some love it. Some hate it. At the end of the day we all need it. But what does it mean; in fact, does it mean anything at all?

If you look into the meaning of rain you will come up with some or all of the following (and perhaps even more meanings):
  • usually represents cleansing and purification
  • new beginnings
  • can represent the release of tension that comes after a storm or a period of crying
  • it replenishes and brings fertility (in a dream may symbolise a new phase of personal growth in your life)
  • water falling in drops from the clouds
  • to bestow in a profuse or abundant manner; as, to rain favors upon a person.
  • the meaning of the name Rain is 'Abundant Blessings From Above'; origin American

The East coast of Australia (where I live) has had a more than abundant rainfall for the past several years. A lot of people haven't noticed this; they work in offices, live in units, don't travel often and it actually doesn't affect them much on a day to day basis. Others have noticed, some because they work outdoors and others from a more spiritual basis.

I don't know about you, but I don't believe the 2012 'scare' that the world is going to end soon. Quite to the contrary I believe humankind is facing an extraordinary opportunity to grow and change. We have all chosen to be here at this exciting time; to learn to think with your heart (yes, your heart) and to truly love from within.

To me the rain we are experiencing is heralding the start of new beginnings, of change on a global scale. It is cleansing and purifying the planet and its inhabitants; it is trying to persuade those people who are stuck to get unstuck; it is replenishing and bringing fertility. Extreme rain brings flooding, causes destruction of unfathomable extremes ... and what does this bring us? ... OPPORTUNITY ... to rebuild from new beginnings.

2012 is to do with learning to love from a deeper level than most of us have yet experienced. It's about learning to forgive and forget. To love thy neighbour. To think with your heart. To sail into a lush life full of opportunity and positivity. To ascend or raise your awareness and get back in tune with your soul.

So next time it rains wherever you are, stop and think .... and smile as you welcome the opportunities in your life. Remember, to receive a smile you often have to smile first :0)

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